Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Private: the Sequel

Ok, Ok, so it's a little ridiculous that it took me six months to get around to taking my blog private. I had to let it simmer, right? I apologize—thanks for sticking with me. I extended an invitation to everyone for whom I could find an email address.

If you would like to be added at any time—even if you're a new reader I haven't met before—shoot me an email at emilymabey@gmail.com.

There were a few of you whose email addresses I couldn't find:

Stephensen Celebrations
Jennifer Bruner (didn't know if you wanted me to use Garths?)

Just email me and I'll add you.

Thanks, everybody!


ellen said...

I'm looking forward to your updates!

Melissa said...

Thanks Em.

Sally said...

Lovely to see you blogging again, Emily. Thanks for inviting me to view.