Saturday, August 13, 2011


It's official. Thirty-five today. What do I wish for? own Alice from The Brady Bunch.


Sally said...

Happy Birthday Emily! I hope it is a good one and that life is becoming a little calmer for you.
With love from here in Dorset .....

Emily said...

Happy Birthday, EM!!! I seem to have been wishing for the same thing for a few years. No wonder we are friends.
Little known Alice fact: Did you know Alice was only in her 40's during that show? She's now 85 so I don't think you really want the real Alice now, right? :)
p.s. Let's go to lunch! I'll get Melissa on the line.

ellen said...

Happy Birthday, Emily!!

Lisa said...

I'll take that!

Leslie said...

Thinking of you Emily, hopefully you have a fabulous birthday! What a beautiful day it is too. I want an Alice too, BTW...Carol was so lucky!

Jennifer Bruner said...

Happy Bithday.... I am going to send you Best Wishes, every way I can!! Love Ya! ONLY 35!! You little kid ;)

Melissa said...

Bit sad to have a birthday without your husband.
Hope it's fun.

Brooke said...

If it were up to me I would give you two! Hope you had a great day. Love you tons!

Anonymous said...

Alice, but without the bowling boyfriend. Happy, happy birthday!